

Our farm vet:

Karin Kaczoroski DVM
Karin's Mobile Vet Service
Marshfield, MA
(781) 659-7798 or (781) 837-5611

Our dogs and other small animals are cared for by:

Dr. Richard Mello and associates
Warren Animal Hospital
581 Metacom Ave
Warren, RI 02885
(401) 245-8313

Rosasharn Goats have also been cared for by:

Dighton Rehoboth Animal Hospital
2424 Winthrop Street
North Dighton, MA 02764
(508) 252-3480
Goats may be brought to the office.

Specialty Veterinary Care:

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Nemo Farm Animal Hospital

930 Campus Road
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 253-3100

Tufts Veterinary Field Service
149 New Sweden Road
Woodstock, CT 06281
(860) 974-2780

Tufts Large Animal Hospital
53 Willard Street
North Grafton, MA 01536
(508) 839-7926


Dana Pantano DVM
Black Pond Veterinary Service
229 Lincoln Street
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 659-7798


Rosasharn goats are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association

They are all eligible for registration with the American Goat Society and the Canadian Goat Society


American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association

New England Nigerian Dwarf Association


Your Goats, A Kid’s Guide to Raising and Showing, by Gail Damerow
Excellent, easy to understand, yet very comprehensive (for adults too)

Goat Keeping 101, by Caprine Supply
Lots of basic information on everything goat related

Dairy Goats for Pleasure and Profit, by Harvey Considine
More detailed than Your Goats...

Nigerian Dwarfs: Colorful Miniature Dairy Goats, by Jody Leigh
(unfortunately out of print)

Personal Milkers: A Guide to Nigerian Dwarf Goat Keeping, by Pat Stewart


United Caprine News
PO Box 328
Crowley, TX 76036-3411


Caprine Supply
PO Box Y
33001 West 83rd St.
DeSoto, KS 66018

Hoegger Supply Company
160 Providence Rd.
Fayetteville, GA 30215

New England Cheese Making Supply Co.
PO Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
(413) 628-3808

Call 1-800-JEFFERS for a Professional Producer catalog with goat related items.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any reason.
Thank you for choosing Rosasharn.

Dr. Karin with baby Louise